Introduction to Computer Science
Winter 2008

William Austad
Convo 174
Office Hours:
MTThF 1:10--2:00, or by E-mail appointment

Schedule by Call Number:

Lecture: MTuThF 2:10--3:00 -- Convo 196
Lab: W 6:10--8:00 -- Convo 181
Lecture: MuTThF 2:10--3:00 -- Convo 196
Lab: Tu 8:10--10:00 -- Convo 181

Objectives: An intensive introduction to the process of algorithmic problem solving in a computing environment. Serves as an introduction to advanced topics in computer science.

Math115 or Math263A or Placement Level 3
CS210 or ET181 or equivalent

Required Text:
Problem Solving with C++ the Object of Programming, Ed. 6 by Walter Savitch, Pearson Education, Inc., Boston, MA 2007. ISBN 0-321-41269-9.

Course Outcomes:

Expectations: Students are expected to spend at least two hours outside of class per class session, including working exercises in the book, preparing for labs, and programming homework problems. Programming can only be learned by doing! In this class students are expected to write many programs in order to gain proficiency.

Grading policy: Your grade will be based on a composite score computed according to the following breakdown:

10% for quizzes
10% for lab
35% for homework
15% for the midterm
30% for the final exam

Exam schedule:

Midterm exam, Thursday, February 7th
Final Exam: Tuesday, March 18th, at 12:20 p.m.
The final will not be given early!
Pop quizzes may be given on any given day when no other exams are scheduled.

Attendance policy: Students are strongly encouraged to attend all classes. Although class attendance will not be used directly in the final determination of grades, students miss classes at their own risk. There will be no make-up quizzes and students missing class on the day of a quiz will be given a zero. For excused absences the average of the student's other quizzes will be substituted. Contact the instructor by e-mail before a class you cannot attend, to be considered for an excused absence. Students are required to attend class during the midterm and final exam unless prior arrangements have been made. Students must attend laboratory sessions. Your lab grade will be determined by the work you accomplish in the two hours you are actually in the lab. If you miss a lab, you will be given a zero for the lab. For excused absences, the average of the student's other lab grades will be substituted. For a lab to be excused, you should contact your TA before the lab in question.

Academic dishonesty: Students are expected to turn in only their own work with proper documentation. Anything else may result in an F for the exam, project or program, an F for the course, or even dismissal from the University. Anyone intentionally harming the Ohio University computer system will be turned over to Student Judiciaries.

Homework is due by the time specified. Homework is to be an individual exercise, discussing general concepts with other students is encouraged. However, comparing answers, or working in groups is not allowed. You may consult books, journals, and notes in order to do your homework, but you must credit any source you use. You will not lose credit if you credit the source, but you may if you do not! As a general rule, be clear and rigorous in all of your work. Solutions that are unclear or difficult to read will lose points. For full credit your programs must follow the style guide, which can be found at the following URL:

Style guide

All homeworks will be posted on the class website on prime:

which can be read using a browser in the labs, or via links when logged on via SSH.

Tests will be closed book, closed note. The final will be comprehensive, although it will emphasize the material in the latter part of the course. Use of electronic devices is prohibited during tests and quizzes.

Modification log

  1. The penalty of 20% off per day late for homework was commented out since this does not work well with Educate. 1/7/08
  2. The time of the final was changed from a.m. to p.m. 1/8/08
Last modified: Tue Jan 8 2008