CS 300/500N
Winter Quarter 2002

Textbook: Susanna S. Epp, Discrete Mathematics with Applications, PWS, second edition.

Instructor: William Austad
Office: 174 Convocation Center
Email: austad@ohiou.edu

Introduction to mathematical reasoning and discrete structures with applications to analysis of algorithms and other problems in computer science.

Prerequisite: CS240A for undergraduates

2 in-class Tests: 40%
Quizzes: 30%
Final Exam: 30%

Attendance policy:
Students are strongly encouraged to attend all classes, but attendance is not graded, per se. Students miss class at their own risk. There will be no make-up quizzes. For excused absence, the average of the student's other quizzes will be substituted. If, because of some exceptional circumstance, you cannot attend a test or quiz, contact your instructor before the fact, not after, to discuss your options.

Academic dishonesty:
Students are expected to turn in only their own work. Anything else may result in an F for the exam, project or program, an F for the course, or even dismissal from the university.