CS210 Programming in C
Winter 2005

William Austad
Convo 174
Office Hours:
MTThF 11:10--12:00, or by E-mail appointment
Call numbers:
10:10-11:00 am. MTuThF in Convo 196
2:10-4:00 pm. Tu in Convo 183 (01359)
2:10-4:00 pm. W in Convo 183 (01360)
Problem Solving & Program Design in C, Ed 4.
by Jeri R. Hanly and Elliot B. Koffman, Addison Wesley.
ISBN 0-321-19803-4

Attendance policy:

Students are strongly encouraged to attend all classes. Although class attendance will not be used in the final determination of grades, students miss classes at their own risk, since any material covered in class may be included in tests. Students are required to attend class during the tests and final exam unless prior arrangements have been made. If, because of some exceptional circumstance, you cannot attend a test, contact your instructor before the fact, not after, to discuss your options. Quizzes may be given on any day that does not have a scheduled test. There will be no makeup quizzes. Students missing a quiz will receive a zero for that quiz. To be considered for an excused absence, contact your instructor via e-mail before, not after, the day you are missing. Calculators are not permitted during tests, although nonnative English speakers may use a dictionary.

Students must attend laboratory sessions. Your lab grade will be determined by the work you accomplish in the two hours you are actually in the lab. In addition, some pre-lab work may be required to be completed before the labs. If you miss a lab, you will be given a zero for the lab. For excused absences, the average of the student's other lab grades will be substituted. For a lab to be excused, you should contact your TA before the lab in question.


  Quizzes:         10%
  2 hourly tests:  30%
  Labs:            20%
  Projects:        10%
  Final:           30%

Final Exam is in our regular classroom at the time determined by the Registrar's office. The exam will not be given early.

Final Exam Schedule

Graduate students taking this class as CS599 are subject to the following university grading policy: A grade of CR will be given for an A or B earned. A grade of C or lower will recorded as that grade.

Late homework assignments will be accepted but penalty points will be deducted, generally in the amount of 20% per class meeting day.


All study materials must be put away so that they are not visible during any testing situation. Copying someone else's work constitutes cheating. At minimum, this will result in a zero on the assignment for both parties. Additional offenses will result in referral to the authorities.

TA Contact Information

Last modified: 1/19/05, WKA