Sample images from the CAMIS project

These images are copyrighted 1997 by David M. Chelberg, please obtain permission to use these images.

Overview of the entire CAMIS program.

First, are some images of a CT dataset of a phantom backbone. The images were generated by using a marching cubes algorithm on the backbone CT dataset to generate polygons. The resultant polygons seen here were rendered as 50% transparent, so that you can see through the initial surfaces to the surfaces behind.

CT scan of a backbone phantom. Lower resolution close-up of backbone.

The highest resolution version (233K)

Next we have some simulated ultrasound images of the same CT dataset. This is a study of how the number of rays cast affects the resultant image quality. The current model is that the rays from a transducer come to a focus approximately 30mm from the transducer. The focus spot is 1mm in diameter. The transducer is 5mm in diameter.

Study of amount of averaging versus image quality.

1 ray/pixel 10 rays/pixel
100 rays/pixel 1000 rays/pixel

Study of scatter

1 ray/pixel 0.1 scatter 10 rays/pixel 0.1 scatter 100 rays/pixel 0.1 scatter
1 ray/pixel 0.2 scatter 10 rays/pixel 0.2 scatter 100 rays/pixel 0.2 scatter
1 ray/pixel 0.4 scatter 10 rays/pixel 0.4 scatter 100 rays/pixel 0.4 scatter

For comparison purposes, here is an actual ultrasound image of the same phantom:

David M. Chelberg <>
Last modified: Tue Mar 31 16:27:22 EST 1998